Lo-Fi • DIY • Open to All

To fallow is to let alone, to rest. Not every season yields a bounty, and all growth first springs from humble roots. What have you been germinating?

Fallow is an eclectic, collaborative quarterly zine. A publican publication. An open mic in print. Submission guidelines below.

The summer issue is out!

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Call for Submissions

The theme for the next issue is "roots." The deadline is Wednesday, September 22nd.
Anyone is welcome to submit anything: drawings, doodles, flash fiction, non-fiction, poetry, low-res photography, comics, sketches, musings, old work... you get the idea. It doesn't need to be polished, practiced or refined.
The final edition will be printed in black and white on standard letter-size paper, folded in half. Submissions should be formatted with this in mind. Please tell us how you would like your contribution to appear on the "Credits" page (i.e. title of work, your name, website, social media.) Anonymous submissions are welcome, and each person can submit up to 4 full sheets (8 pages total). It must be your own original work.
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
Email your contribution to fallowzine@gmail.com or send a hard copy by mail:
PO Box 2534
Walla Walla, WA 99362
United States